Big Hearts Remember Little Things

Written by Jeff Gunther

On December 30, 2018

I’m blessed to work with an absolutely amazing team. My Renovator, Jim, is a big man with a big heart.

One Winter afternoon Jim called to check in with me. He wanted to be sure that we were moving the right projects forward in the right order so that prospective tenants, scheduled to view properties, would have the best possible experience. From our conversation, he learned that I’d be showing one particular home to a trio of young women later that evening.

When we arrived at the property, just after dark, I noticed that Jim had left the porch light on. Inside, he’d tidied up his equipment and work materials, and laid out sample tiles so that the women could choose a colour they liked best. Now I know these may seem like little things, but please understand that I didn’t think of them, and I most certainly didn’t tell Jim to do them – he just does.

Jim understands why we’re here and what we’re doing. He has a big heart and he loves people. People with big hearts remember the little things.

Who’s leaving the porch light on for you?

Please scroll down and share a story about someone whose done something nice for you…

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